Dr. Babb is an award-winning author of many books and publications in the education, real estate, and business fields.

Scholarly Publications
See a sampling of Dani’s most recent scholarly publications, and click the button below to view them all.
Effective cybercommunication with online adjunct faculty.
DERESHIWSKY, M., BABB, D., & MINARCINE, S. (2021, August 3-5). Effective cybercommunication with online adjunct faculty. Ubiquitous Learning: Harnessing the Power of Digital Learning in a New World, International Council of Professors of Educational Leadership (ICPEL) Annual Conference,
When the medium mangles the message: Challenges of communication between online adjunct faculty and their supervisors.
DERESHIWSKY, M., BABB, D., & MINARCINE, S. (2021, August 26). When the medium mangles the message: Challenges of communication between online adjunct faculty and their supervisors. Professional development webinar presented to administrators and faculty of National American University.
Handbook of research on inclusive development for remote adjunct faculty in higher education.
BABB, D. (2021). 17. In 1152694661 866485520 A. Dailey-Hebert, 1152694662 866485520 J. Mandernach, & 1152694663 866485520 E. D. Sallee (Authors), Handbook of research on inclusive development for remote adjunct faculty in higher education. Hershey, PA: IGI Global.
When the medium mangles the message: Challenges of communication between online adjunct faculty and their supervisors. [Presentation].
DERESHIWSKY, M., BABB, D., & MINARCINE, S. (2021, April 13-15). When the medium mangles the message: Challenges of communication between online adjunct faculty and their supervisors. [Presentation]. Teaching, Colleges, and Community 2021 Conference: Building Our Future – Movin’ On! Honolulu, HI.
The Relationship between Simulation Strategies and Exit Exam Scores: A Correlational Assessment of Glo-Bus and Peregrine.
BRIGHT, C. F., BATEH, J., & BABB, D. (2018). The Relationship between Simulation Strategies and Exit Exam Scores: A Correlational Assessment of Glo-Bus and Peregrine. Journal of the Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. Fall 2018.
Non-Scholarly Publications
Dani regularly writes on best practices and industry trends in education, real estate, business, technology, and finance.
As Colleges Rush to Triage Education Amidst the Pandemic -What is going well… and not so well..
by Dani Babb
Online Teaching Continuity Tips for Educators and Administrators – Moving to Online Quickly
by Dani Babb
16 Reasons Your Best
Faculty Are Asking us
to Help Them Find a
Teaching Job and What
by Dani Babb